A note from the moderator

Twin Peaks first aired a couple months shy of my 15th birthday. I fell in love with it immediately, but it wasn’t until the full VHS box set release five years later that I watched the show in any organized way—largely because my life at 15 was too adolescently unpredictable to afford time for regularly scheduled programming.

Since 1995, I rewatched episodes of the show now and then, but it wasn’t until I moved to New York in 2005 that I began rewatching in earnest. Since then I haven’t stopped. It was only a matter of time before it worked its way into my own work, and with the publication of The Guild of St. Cooper in 2015, I feel like the show’s influence, and my fandom, will have come full circle.

Over the last year as I described The Guild, and the role Twin Peaks plays in it (see synopsis), I began to realize how many other writers were heavily influenced by the show. I began to look forward to sharing stories about discovering the show, to hearing about how other writers have been drawn back to it over the years. To exploring the hows and whys.

The Twin Peaks Project is the result of those conversations. It will be a series of essays, articles, and other works by writers and artists discussing their personal connection to the show. These pieces will be published and posted in participating online journals and blogs, and will be introduced and indexed here on this site.

The Twin Peaks Project will officially kick off later this summer with the publication of my own essay. Until then, I’m gathering works by writers, and speaking with publishers and editors interested in hosting a part of the series.

If you’re a writer, publisher, or blogger, I invite you to .

Thanks for stopping by,
Shya Scanlon